Comparison between Modern Science & Islam about Big Bang theory
How was the universe formed? What induced the formation of stars, planets and galaxies? These are some of the questions that millions of people have asked themselves throughout history. Specifically, scientists want to seek explanation for all the phenomena that exist. This is where the Big Bang theory is born. For those who do not know yet, it is the theory that explains the origin of our universe. It also includes the explanation of the existence of planets and galaxies.
If you are curious and want to know how our universe formed, in this post we will tell you everything. Would you like to know in depth the Big Bang theory? what happened before and after big bang.Here we will join two concepts from two different school of thoughts i.e Islam and science.
After reading this article you will get to know difference between scientific and Islamic knowledge about this concept.
Keeping this in mind, this comparison is neither analytical,nor factual but conceptual.
What Islam says:
Islam relies on one theory given by Imam Ali A.S:
Imam Ali A.S defined this theory step by step. And the basic 11 steps are following:
- Before big bang, there was only water.
- Water was above fierce air.
- The air that was beneath wild water, separated itself from water.
- After sometime, a vacuum created inside the water or you can say an air created inside the water that was not not moving and it velocity was zero.
- After a while, air started expanding itself and due to this water became rough.
- Now air started blending of water with specific intensity,speed and towards one particular direction(clock wise or anti clock wise).This blending was so hard.
- Blending of water named as “A BIG BANG!!” a explosion or creation of universe.
- So, what does that mean - a creation of universe by an explosion???
- Because of such hard blending,a foam created.
- A portion of foam that evaporated, was turned in to 7 Skies.
- A foam that dried out, was result into formation of our beautiful Earth!!.
Islamic References:
- In QURAN chapter name “Al Anbia” verse 30
- • Book Nehjul Balgha sermon No 1 written by HAZART ALI A. S
- • Torah
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What Modrean Science says:
All the existing matter in the universe was currently concentrated in just one point. From the moment of the explosion, matter began to expand and is still doing so today. Scientists do not stop repeating that the universe is constantly expanding. Therefore, the Big Bang theory includes the theory of the expanding universe. Matter stored at a single point not only began to expand, but also began to form more complex structures. We refer to atoms and molecules that, little by little, were forming living organisms.Science relies on different theories :
The theory that the universe is expanding was formulated in 1922 by Alexander Friedmann.He was based on the theory of general relativity by Albert Einstein (1915).Later, in 1927, the Belgian priest Georges LemaƮtre drew on the work of scientists Einstein and De Sitter and reached the same conclusions as Friedmann.Therefore, scientists do not reach another conclusion, only that the universe expands.There are other theories about the creation of the universe that are not as important as this.However, there are people in the world who believe and consider them true.Theory of the Big Crunch: This theory bases its foundation on which the expansion of the universe is going to slow down slowly until it begins to retract.This contraction would end in a great implosion known as Big Crunch.There is not much evidence to support this theory.Oscillating Universe: It's about our universe oscillating in a constant Big Bang and Big Crunch.Stationary state and continuous creation: It maintains that the universe is in expansion and that its density remains constant because there is matter in continuous creation.Inflationary theory: It is based on the same characteristics as the Big Bang but says there was an initial process.The process is called inflation and the expansion of the universe is faster.Finally, there are some people who think that the universe was created by God or some divine entity.
Evidences of theories:
To prove that the Big Bang theory makes sense, evidence must be reported that the universe is expanding. These are the evidences about it:
- Paradox of Olbers: The darkness of the night sky.
- Hubble's Law: It can be verified with the observation that galaxies move away from each other.
- Homogeneity of the distribution of matter.
- Tolman effect (variation of surface brightness).
- Far supernovae: There is a temporary dilation in its light curves.
As modern science is relying on many theories, but Islam has one single theory in this aspect.
Instead of relying on many theories, it is better to study one theory that is accepted by many people from different region,s around the globe.
Dear readers, Knowledge is light and this light is for all.
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