Tuesday, 28 January 2020

7 skies

In Islam:

7 skies are explained in different religious book and their number are mentioned in Holy book Quran.
The 1st sky's Arabic name is "Rafi" .Yes, it is our beautiful sky and it is made of vapors that defines atmosphere in our planet. We all know that, it is filled with plenty of stars and million of million galaxies.If we explain its structure, then several authentic religious Islamic books revels that is it is just like frozen ocean wave.
The 2nd sky is above the 1st one and that is "Qazoom"(Arabic name) .It is made of Copper and harder then the lower sky. Its structure is like that it is very much in its solid form.

The 3rd sky is named as " Madoon"(Arabic Name).It is just like the 2nd sky from color point of view but it is a separate sky with it own separate characteristics.It is like copper but much harder then previous one.

Arfaloon(Arabic Name) is the 4th sky.It is made of silver and very very beautiful sky.

Fifthe sky is "Heyoon"(Arabic Name).It is made of gold.

The 6th sky's Arabic Name is "Uroos".It is just like green ruby. Just imagine how wonderful it is.
Last but not the least sky is 7th sky.Its Arabic name is "Ajma".It is made of white pearl.It is just like a heaven.

To find out more click the link below :

Modern Science:

Fails to explain other six skies above our sky. Many books,articles,research paper and blogs explains only 1st sky characteristics. I acknowledge the work of Prof. Mauricio ACEVEDO in regard of our sky that is why using his blog notes here to explain his point of view regarding only sky.
His blog note is as follows:


The colors of the sky:
If you look at the sky, you will see that at different times of the day, the sky has different colors. For example, at sunrise and sunset, we have the morning and evening twilight, in which the predominant colors are the shades of red, yellow and orange and also some violet tones.
While after sunrise and spend the sunset, the predominant color is blue and light blue, depending on its shades of the geographical point where you are (if it is on the plain or mountain). The physical phenomena involved in these changes are absorption and diffusion.
Absorption: acts on the long waves that make up light according to the wave theory that considers light as electromagnetic waves. The angle of incidence of the solar rays when crossing the atmosphere, have a greater thickness of this in front and therefore impurities such as gases and suspended dust, accentuate the effects of absorption.
The diffusion: acts on the short waves of light that result in the colors around the blue, and whose penetration is greater given that the angle of incidence approaches the vertical, although close to twilight the angle seems to be far from the vertical ."

Yes, it is a great explanation of our visible sky, but other skies are still in question in professors desk so as in other modern science research libraries.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Theory of creation by Imam Ali A.S

Theory of evolution between modern science and Islam

What Islam Says:

Theory of creation by Imam Ali A.S :

Human body is made from basic four elements (Soil, Water, Fire and Air) GOD created a human body. Human body is such a master piece. To understand its creation process we must look from scratch to finishing. Whole process is step by step is mentioned here:
 From soil God, chose soil from regular and irregular surfaces. Regular means soft and smooth surface and from irregular it means slinging mud and solid surface. God selected 4 different colors of soil. Colors were Black, Red, Yellow and white. 
Water is second basic element. God selected four different types of water to make a human body. Types are Salty, Bitter, Sweet and Smelly. 
 Fire is third basic element. From fire God made this mixture dry. 
God blew the air in cyclone form to create secretion from their relevant organs. Organs are Heart, Stomach, Kidneys/Liver and Lungs. And secretions are Blood (Heart), Mucus (Lungs), Bile (Liver/Kidneys) and Air (Stomach). Body -the final outcome: After all this a self-sustainable, intelligent and flexible body came into existence.

To watch the complete process with other details. Please click the link below:

To check English version of this video from same channel, click the link below:

Quranic proofs:

Almost every single Muslim has faith on this theory because they have faith on QURAN.
1.     Proof 1: Quran says; "Surely, the likeness of Isa is with ALLAH as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, be, and he was.[3:59]".

Here the point is, dust is non-living things.
1.     Proof 2: “Allah S.W.T created everything from water. Quran [24:45]

Another point to ponder is, water is also a non-living object.

Above facts are reliable and trustworthy, but to find more about this you please watch my video link to check the complete human creation process. In my video, you can watch how this water and soil were joined together with other sources to make a human body.

Dear visitor, always remember, knowledge is light and this light is for all.

Monday, 20 January 2020

Comparison between Modern Science & Islam about Big Bang theory

Comparison between Modern Science & Islam about Big Bang theory

How was the universe formed? What induced the formation of stars, planets and galaxies? These are some of the questions that millions of people have asked themselves throughout history. Specifically, scientists want to seek explanation for all the phenomena that exist. This is where the Big Bang theory is born. For those who do not know yet, it is the theory that explains the origin of our universe. It also includes the explanation of the existence of planets and galaxies.
If you are curious and want to know how our universe formed, in this post we will tell you everything. Would you like to know in depth the Big Bang theory? what happened before and after big bang.Here we will join two concepts from two different school of thoughts i.e Islam and science. After reading this article you will get to know difference between scientific and Islamic knowledge about this concept.
Keeping this in mind, this comparison is neither analytical,nor factual but conceptual.

What Islam says:

Islam relies on one theory given by Imam Ali A.S:
Imam Ali A.S defined this theory step by step. And the basic 11 steps are following:

  1. Before big bang, there was only water.
  2. Water was above fierce air.
  3. The air that was beneath wild water, separated itself from water.
  4. After sometime, a vacuum created inside the water or you can say an air created inside the water that was not not moving and it velocity was zero.
  5. After a while, air started expanding itself and due to this water became rough.
  6. Now air started blending of water with specific intensity,speed and towards one particular direction(clock wise or anti clock wise).This blending was so hard.
  7. Blending of water named as “A BIG BANG!!” a explosion or creation of universe.
  8. So, what does that mean - a creation of universe by an explosion???
  9. Because of such hard blending,a foam created.
  10. A portion of foam that evaporated, was turned in to 7 Skies.
  11. A foam that dried out, was result into formation of our beautiful Earth!!.

Islamic References:
  1. In QURAN chapter name “Al Anbia” verse 30
  2. • Book Nehjul Balgha sermon No 1 written by HAZART ALI A. S
  3. • Torah

To find the complete information check the video in urdu. Click the link below:

To check the video in English ,click the link below:

What Modrean Science says:

All the existing matter in the universe was currently concentrated in just one point. From the moment of the explosion, matter began to expand and is still doing so today. Scientists do not stop repeating that the universe is constantly expanding. Therefore, the Big Bang theory includes the theory of the expanding universe. Matter stored at a single point not only began to expand, but also began to form more complex structures. We refer to atoms and molecules that, little by little, were forming living organisms.

Science relies on different theories :

The theory that the universe is expanding was formulated in 1922 by Alexander Friedmann.He was based on the theory of general relativity by Albert Einstein (1915).Later, in 1927, the Belgian priest Georges LemaƮtre drew on the work of scientists Einstein and De Sitter and reached the same conclusions as Friedmann.Therefore, scientists do not reach another conclusion, only that the universe expands.There are other theories about the creation of the universe that are not as important as this.However, there are people in the world who believe and consider them true.Theory of the Big Crunch: This theory bases its foundation on which the expansion of the universe is going to slow down slowly until it begins to retract.This contraction would end in a great implosion known as Big Crunch.There is not much evidence to support this theory.Oscillating Universe: It's about our universe oscillating in a constant Big Bang and Big Crunch.Stationary state and continuous creation: It maintains that the universe is in expansion and that its density remains constant because there is matter in continuous creation.Inflationary theory: It is based on the same characteristics as the Big Bang but says there was an initial process.The process is called inflation and the expansion of the universe is faster.Finally, there are some people who think that the universe was created by God or some divine entity.

Evidences of theories:

To prove that the Big Bang theory makes sense, evidence must be reported that the universe is expanding. These are the evidences about it:

  1. Paradox of Olbers: The darkness of the night sky.
  2. Hubble's Law: It can be verified with the observation that galaxies move away from each other.
  3. Homogeneity of the distribution of matter.
  4. Tolman effect (variation of surface brightness).
  5. Far supernovae: There is a temporary dilation in its light curves.


As modern science is relying on many theories,  but Islam has one single theory in this aspect.
Instead of relying on many theories, it is better to study one theory that is accepted by many people from different region,s around the globe.

Dear readers, Knowledge is light and this light is for all.

Thursday, 16 January 2020

How humans body was created?

How humans body was created?

Described by Hazrat Ali A.S

Human body is such a master piece.To understand the creation process, we must look from scratch till finishing. Human development process includes, four basic/classical elements(Soil,Water,Fire and Air) because of their beautiful amalgamation, GOD created a beautiful error-free human body.
Whole process is mentioned here step by step.
step 1: Choosing Soil From soil God,chose soil from regular and irregular surfaces.Regular means soft and smooth surface and from irregular it means slinging mud and solid surface. God selected 4 different colors of soil. Colors were Black,red,yellow and white. Step 2: Collecting Water Water is second basic element. God selected four different types of water to make a human body.Types are salty,bitter,sweet and smelly.
step 3: using Fire Third basic element was fire. From fire God made this mixture dry. step 4: Blowing Air From Air ,God blew the air in cyclone form to create secretion from their relevant organs.Organs are Heart,Stomach,Kidneys/Liver and Lungs. And secretions are Blood(Heart), Mucus(Lungs), Bile(Liver/Kidneys) and Air (Stomach) . Body -the final outcome: After all this a self sustainable ,intelligent and flexible body came into existence.
To watch the complete process with other details. Please click the link below:

To check English version of this video from same channel, click the link below:


How to understand your personality


This video for understanding personality.It includes simple spirituality test and a unique authentic behavioral test. With slide show, you will feel like learning knowledge about yourself in a classroom. Authentic and useful books are consulted here to compile these test.You people will surely like it and will get satisfied after watching it completely.
Click below to watch it:

Wednesday, 15 January 2020


Black Holes-A travelling guide


This video is on the topic of what are the black holes? Their revelation stated long year before in QURAN PAK and some of the religious books. Their existence,importance and purpose is mentioned here. Their discovery, how they formed, types and some of their strange facts are discussed here. At the end,you will get a breakthrough thought about how to travel inside this medium and you will find it just like a traveling guide to you.
Click below to watch this video:



From which son of Prophet Adam(PBUH) Human race had started?

Hazrat Imam Jafer Sadiq A.S saying in urdu


Prophet Adam A.S had two sons Habeel (A) and Qabeel. From which son Human race has started.
His wife Hawa A.S got pregenant 70 times and each time she was blessed with twin-a boy and a girl.
His son Habeel A.S got killed by his Qabeel.And Qabeel all children were drowned in Noah flood because of the act he killed his younger brother(hAbeel A.S).
So form which Adam's sob HUman race started?
People believed that Adam's children that were brothers and sisters got married with eachother and from this human race started from marriage between brothers and sisters.
People asked this question to Imam Jaffer Sadiq A.S (the 6th Infallible).
Imam then told them:
Check the link below what he said in reply:



The first murder of humanity  

Imam Mohammed Baqir A.S saying 

Prophet ADAM A S had two sons,one was Habeel and other was Qabeel. Qabeel was elder son and Habeel was younger. Habeel was a good person but Qabeel was not.
Father showed his love to Habeel more due to hus nice habits,that is why Qabeel gets jealous. Due to this jealousy,he killed his brother Habeel. Because of this muderer, Qabeel was cursed by God as he was first person on earth who murdered a person and created terrorism on earth.To check his penalty open the link below:

Why Prophet Adam(PBUH)name is Adam

Imam Jafer Sadiq A.S saying


Prophet Adam A S was the very pious person, a great human and very close to ALLAH ALMIGHTY. This video is about Prophet ADAM A.S what is his name's meaning and other details are mentioned here in this video.
Click the link below to get this divine knowledge

Light is For all: Human race started form Brothers and Sisters?

Light is For all: Human race started form Brothers and Sisters? : Prophet Adam A.S had two sons Habeel (AS)(Abel) and Qabeel(cain). From whi...